How to Use Artificial Intelligence to Enhance your Creativity and Income

Remember watching sci-fi movies 10-20-30 years ago like The Matrix and Bladerunner and wishing the gadgets they used existed?
Here we are in 2021 and they’re not far-fetched anymore.
Does the thought of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Augmented Reality (AR) replacing the need for human interaction scare the 💩 out of you?
There’s no need to freak out… you just need to change your framing.
These tools can enhance your creativity, business and income in a BIG way WHEN they’re used properly.
That’s what this episode is all about. Becoming a better “augmented human” with virtual reality, augmented reality and artificial intelligence and why it’s should be so important to you. Today we’re going to give you a sneak peek into the future.
Gay and Mike are endlessly fascinated by the idea of using these tools to help us get our messages out there and connect better as human beings. We’ll explain how we're using virtual reality in our businesses and lives, plus something really cool we're doing right now and how you can participate too. If this piques your interest even a little then you’re not going to want to miss this episode.
Even as a graduate student, Gay was interested in how he could use technology to deliver his message to more and more people, (yet retaining the very important human element.) He was looking for something different.
At the time, things like PBS and cable TV were just getting started and he became one of the first people to teach a psychology course on cable TV. He loved it because he could still interact with people. He was living in Colorado at the time and could be sitting in the studio and have people ask him questions from a ranch out in the middle of nowhere, where otherwise they’d never be able to get in the same room with him.
When he launched “Spiritual Cinema Circle” (it was like Netflix for spiritually uplifting films) one of the most exciting emails he ever received was from somebody who had walked miles in Pakistan to get to a US aid library so they could watch the Spiritual Cinema Movies on DVD.
That's why he started writing books and making videos. He wanted to make it EASIER for everyone to have access to the messages he wanted to share. When AI started to come about he had a sense that it had a lot of potential, but he confesses that it was a bit bewildering to him. (That’s where Mike comes in)
If you haven’t realized it already, AI is already around us in every possible way.
Like the fact that anytime you get on any social media network, content is being recommended to you. Apps like Uber, DoorDash, Amazon etc. are constantly paying attention to huge volumes of information and personalizing it just for you.
Maybe you’re a creative person that needs to write articles, blogs or website and social media content but you have writer's block (it happens to ALL of us) There are websites like Headlime that can write just about anything for you just by typing in a few descriptive sentences.
The AI researches and pulls down information from hundreds of thousands of other websites, analyzes them, figures out best practices, then writes copy for you based upon some very vague inputs.
Another example is a website called Writesonic that can write 10 Facebook ads in 30 seconds just by typing in a brief description of your product and promotion. You can either copy and paste the option you like, tweak it or ask it to try again and it will write 10 more. Copysmith will write Google Ads for you… We could go on and on but as you can see… there are endless possibilities available to you right NOW.
All of these websites are either free or super cheap starting at around $10 a month.
Here’s where it gets more interesting. Microsoft recently got rid of their writers. They're using AI to write all of their copy for articles now. On one hand, that can sound super scary… but only if you’re thinking through the limited lens of “what’s going to happen to humans?”
If you think of AI as a CREATIVE TOOL that can make your life easier and allow you to work in your Genius Zone, then the sky’s the limit.
There are literally tons of affordable AI tools out there right now that can design 100 different logos for you, write a blog or a fiction piece or even design a chair that’s shaped like an avocado, if that’s what you want.
One of the things that humans are great at, is coming up with a problem that needs to be solved. AI is not going to do that any time soon, but AI does have the ability to use hundreds of years of wisdom and accumulated knowledge that you couldn't possibly store or interpret, or execute rapidly.
The way Mike sees it, the future of the human / AI relationship is for humans to do the first 1 – 5% and the final 1 – 10% of the work and the bots to do everything in between. As a creative, he doesn't want to touch the middle stuff anyway. Mike likes inventing, creating, innovating, then polishing or adding something. That's what a great producer does. Mike thinks we're moving into the era of the creative producer in virtually every industry.
The net result is we'll be able to create much more abundance and opportunity.
If any of this interests you and you'd like to learn more and immerse yourself in it, Gay and Mike are doing something really special called, The Big Leap Year. We'll show you how to use and access these tools in a way that's practical and tactical, and powerful from a personal and self-development POV. Whether it's your personal, business, or spiritual life, we believe there's a way to bridge all of those worlds together. Check out The Big Leap Podcast homepage where you can sign up and get on our waitlist.
Don’t forget to watch us on YouTube then share it with the people you think will benefit.
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The Big Leap Year Experience
with Gay Hendricks and Mike Koenigs
Gay and Mike are planning something very cool and very special. They’re about to create “The Big Leap Experience” - an opportunity to join them on an adventure of SPIRIT, CONNECTION and TRANSFORMATION. They’ll help you overcome your “Upper Limits” challenges, tap into your deepest creativity and create CONSCIOUS LUCK by discovering the 9th Secret. If you’d like to be notified as soon as this new program is released, apply for The Big Leap Experience by clicking the button below.
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