Life-Changing Mastermind Events and Strategic Stumbling

What if you could grow your business by having a BLAST connecting with like minded entrepreneurs?
Imagine coming away from a fun, life-enriching event with multi-million dollar deals.
That’s exactly what happened for a few of the folks at an event Mike recently hosted.
Mike's wife, Vivian, called it “Fishy Business” (You’ll understand why in a moment.)
This is a MASTERMIND, but on steroids…
In today’s episode, Mike and Gay will share exactly how the GREAT ones are run.
They'll tell you how to get the most out of them, and how to change your thinking to open yourself up to huge, BIG LEAPS.
Listen or watch this episode for all of this and MORE.
Imagine being with a bunch of people who are further ahead of you in life, consciousness, business, health, whatever it is that you'd like to be MORE OF.
They're positive, they follow a structure, and have a specific method for sharing information.
In the mastermind that Mike just led, he invited eight business owners to “Fishy Business”.
Mike loves fishing and helping business owners get more out of life so he combined the two.
They flew down to Baja, Mexico, stayed at an exquisite hotel, ate amazing food, fished and shared their biggest challenges, insights and opportunities for a few days.
It was super chill. No one was rushed.
It felt more like PLAY than work.
It was like meandering into something you weren't necessarily intending or hadn't thought of before, but because you were in the right place with the right people… magic happened.
One of the members called it “strategic stumbling.” Mike LOVES that.
This episode will illustrate how attending or hosting a mastermind can completely transform your life and business. More importantly, you’ll hear some of the best strategies for getting huge results and how you can do the same.
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One-Time - Once in a Lifetime
The Big Leap Year Experience
with Gay Hendricks and Mike Koenigs
Gay and Mike are planning something very cool and very special. They’re about to create “The Big Leap Experience” - an opportunity to join them on an adventure of SPIRIT, CONNECTION and TRANSFORMATION. They’ll help you overcome your “Upper Limits” challenges, tap into your deepest creativity and create CONSCIOUS LUCK by discovering the 9th Secret. If you’d like to be notified as soon as this new program is released, apply for The Big Leap Experience by clicking the button below.
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