How to Install a Big Leap Operating System in Your Mind

Our guest, Laura DiFrancesco is a REAL renaissance woman.
She’s a true Polymath who’s had a great deal of successes and taken a lot of incremental risks along the way.
Most importantly, she's got a POWERFUL commitment to learning.
Today’s episode is all about learning how to think and behave like a Polymath by studying the questions she asks herself.
You’ll learn the value of covering a lot of territory in yourself, opening up to those multitudes of genius and letting it express itself in many different ways.
Listen to and Watch this episode to find out How to Install a Big Leap Operating System in Your Mind.
Laura grew up in Chester County, PA on a farm with her sisters and parents.
From a very early age she was shadowing her parents at board meetings (both of them are entrepreneurs) and doing tax returns by the time she was in fifth grade.
Her dream was to become an entrepreneur.
In order to do that she triple majored in international business, finance and real estate at University of South Carolina.
She did that in three years before getting her JD and MBA at Villanova, went to work in corporate law then started her own businesses and practice.
She’s accomplished all of this and she’s only in her 30’s!
One of Laura’s seeds of genius is her FULL BELIEF in herself. One of her deepest core beliefs is whatever she is drawn to, she can do in some fashion.
Everything from getting dirty on the farm to putting in 200 hours making her own evening gown for Miss Pennsylvania, USA.
It's the idea that no matter what sparks her interest, she can do it because she has faith in herself and faith that the universe will support her in her journey.
She follows her passions and that's what's led to so many of the Big Leaps in her life.
Laura has “Jane Street Law,” which is her corporate law firm specializing in negotiating multimillion dollar transactions for all types of businesses and companies.
She also owns, “Flourish” a co-working space and her latest Big Leap is an educational platform through her personal brand.
Her intent with the educational platform is to inspire others, whether it's sharing what she knows about law, business, lifestyle, design or any number of her passions.
She also has a new program called The Vault, which is a 24/Seven access to a legal mentor.
It's as if you had a personal Google for all the legal concepts that you need in business with tons of video lessons, glossaries, guides and checklists. Everything that you need to be successful in your business.
Don’t listen to all the so-called “experts” telling you that you need to “niche down.” SO many of us are multi-passionate and it’s VERY possible to find incredible Success as a Multi-Passionate Entrepreneur.
Don’t forget to check out Laura’s new program
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One-Time - Once in a Lifetime
The Big Leap Year Experience
with Gay Hendricks and Mike Koenigs
Gay and Mike are planning something very cool and very special. They’re about to create “The Big Leap Experience” - an opportunity to join them on an adventure of SPIRIT, CONNECTION and TRANSFORMATION. They’ll help you overcome your “Upper Limits” challenges, tap into your deepest creativity and create CONSCIOUS LUCK by discovering the 9th Secret. If you’d like to be notified as soon as this new program is released, apply for The Big Leap Experience by clicking the button below.
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