The Big Leap Episodes

Everything You Need to Have a Big Leap Year

What if you were able to overcome your barriers to happiness and fulfillment? What if you had a clear path for achieving your true potential and attaining not only financial success but also success in love and life? What if this was YOUR YEAR to take the big leap, make ALL the changes and make…
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Consciousness Is Your Most Valuable Product

What IS consciousness? What does it actually mean? “Consciousness refers to your individual awareness of your unique thoughts, memories, feelings, sensations, and environments. Consciousness is your awareness of yourself and the world around you.” (Your awareness is subjective and unique to you. If you can describe something you are experiencing in words, then it is…
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The Charisma Amplifier

Most people think that “charisma” is just something that you’re born with. It’s not something that can be taught. That’s where you’d be wrong… Charisma CAN be a learneed skill! But how do you develop it? What do you have to let go of in order to open up to the kind of charisma that…
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Pride and Fear of Asking for Help

Do you have a problem asking for help or support? Does it feel shameful to ask? Do you feel like you’ll be looked down on if you do? Here’s the thing… EVERYone needs help to move forward and grow sometimes. Whether it’s in business or life and there is NO shame in asking for it.…
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How To Get Un-Stuck

Do you feel STUCK in your life, business or relationships? What does it REALLY mean to be stuck? What if FEAR was actually the source of your stuckness? What if you had a super simple map that could help you get out of the fear and “stuck” mode SUPER quickly? On this episode of The…
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Pull Out Your Inner Genius

Do you ever feel STUCK? Like you’re just not going anywhere in life? Like nothing has changed, moved forward or inspired you in a REALLY long time? It almost feels like you're actually going backwards sometimes?! Whether it’s in your business, relationships, health, finances or creativity, it really sucks feeling this way. What if you…
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Fear of Death, Running Out, Not Having Enough, Not Being Enough

What are you afraid of? I mean, what REALLY terrifies you to the core? Is it dying? Being alone? Not being “enough”? Running out of money or even worse… not being useful or loved? Living in a constant state of fear is really not living at all. What if you could get out of fear…
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All the World is THEATER!

What if you could control your creative state at will and innovate on demand no matter what? Do you have that level of control? WHAT IS CREATIVITY? Are you under the impression that only artists, musicians, actors and photographers possess creativity? Well, we’ve got news for ya’… it’s not true. Each and every one of…
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Episode 5 The Big Leap Banner

Shibumi! Big Leap Investing and Money

What if money flowed to you so easily and often that it almost seemed unfair? What if you had such an amazing relationship with money that you were able to give it away freely without ever having to even THINK about what your checking account balance was? It’s 100% possible but there’s something you need…
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One-Time - Once in a Lifetime

The Big Leap Year Experience
with Gay Hendricks and Mike Koenigs

Gay and Mike are planning something very cool and very special. They’re about to create “The Big Leap Experience” - an opportunity to join them on an adventure of SPIRIT, CONNECTION and TRANSFORMATION. They’ll help you overcome your “Upper Limits” challenges, tap into your deepest creativity and create CONSCIOUS LUCK by discovering the 9th Secret. If you’d like to be notified as soon as this new program is released, apply for The Big Leap Experience by clicking the button below. 

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