Kara Goldin – The Founder of HINT Water

Have you ever looked at a super successful entrepreneur and thought, “man, they’re so brave and fearless to be doing what they’re doing. They must have so much support!” MOST successful people will tell you that it’s not rainbows, unicorns and kittens. There are plenty of bumps, bruises, self-doubt, fear, haters, and mistakes along the…

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Neil Patel – Traffic and Marketing Expert

Are you under the impression that you have to be “perfect” to be a successful entrepreneur? Are you stuck in Analysis Paralysis, Perfectionism or maybe even Imposter Syndrome? Our next guest is here to tell you that’s just NOT true. Start now. Start messy. Make mistakes. Learn from them, but just START. Today on The…

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Getting Unstuck

Do you feel like you’re trapped? Stuck? Like your life is going absolutely NOWHERE? Like you’re wearing cement shoes, completely and utterly STUCK in every aspect of your life? (Money, relationships, health, business…) How much would you give to be able to escape that paralyzing feeling or situation and actually be free? You’re in luck…

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